The one thing that I remember the most about her were her hands. She had the best hands. They were soft from the years of love and attention she gave them with aloe lotions. When she held your hand her soft gentle touch could release any tension you were feeling.
She lived a good life. Full of love. She showed her children how to love. And, oh, how her children love. I have an aunt that has no children of her own but loves every-single-niece-and-nephew as though they were her own. Above and beyond, she gives them lots of love. I have aunts and uncles that have MANY (teehee) children of their own and still have enough love to spread to the rest of their nephews and nieces. It was a beautiful thing to see as we gathered to remember a woman who taught everyone how to love and what family was all about.
I am blessed because I have an amazing mother who had an amazing mother.
I love you Grandma Rickie. And I love your hands.