
You know those moments when you watch your kids playing together, or your husband wrestling on the ground pretending to be the meanest, scariest dinosaur or even the time when your playroom is in total pandemonium and all you can do is throw your hands up in the air and surrender to the mess? Those moments are my favorite. They're moments I don't want to forget and moments that pass all too quickly. They're the very reason I love photography. Forever preserving the moments.

I'm married to this amazing man and dad:
Mat rocks our world. He's the best daddy dinosaur out there!

We have two fellas that rock our world, in mostly good ways. ;)

I never want to forget what a 13 month old kiss feels like, how quickly baby toes become big boy toes or how one day teeth aren't there and then they are. It's what I do. It's who I am. I capture moments.