Four! Four, four, four, four....FOUR, FOUR!!!! I love games. And Pit has got to be one of my all time favorites. If you've never played, stop reading and go buy the game. We were introduced some years ago but couldn't find the game anywhere in California. So we had to fly out to New York to go and get it. While we were there, we decided to stay for our honeymoon. ;) We brought it home and its been a hit every time. When Mat stepped in to take my place I had to catch some of the action. Below are just a few faves. No inside voices in this game.

Technically perfect? Not in the least, but I LOVE him!!

On a totally different note, inside voices were in order when I "mentored" a newborn session. I had SUCH a good time doing this. I could do this often and love it. I taught someone how to use their camera, flash and about lighting. I am in no way an expert but it felt so good to give what knowledge I did have. Since I wasn't taking a ton of photos with my camera I only got a couple. This baby rocks the World of Long Toes. But I love this photo none-the-less. :)

Happy Monday!