
G Family::Gilroy Family Photography

I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I had at this shoot at the end of summer/beginning of fall. So, so much fun. The kiddos had me laughing, awwing and giggling. There's absolutely no doubt that there is a ton of love in this family and these kiddos have a most awesome set of parents. I wish I had room to show you the whole gallery because they are so photogenic.

I know I put it in my blog header, on my website, and I have it on my FB page so I'll say it again here--REMEMBER THE LITTLE THINGS. Children grow up so fast, their teeth fall out, their legs gets longer, their hands get bigger and their childhood innocence turns into life and responsibilities. You'll never make a better investment than to capture their laugh, their hearts and their childhood interests.

Happy Thursday--go hug your kiddos, take lots of pictures and cherish all the little things!!


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